While this short post is no substitute for years of experience, the basic editing tips below will give you a good grounding in the pernickety art of copyediting. Even if you’re planning to hand over your finished novel to a professional editor, by first cleaning up the prose yourself, you’ll be able to significantly reduce costs.…
All posts by hughesfelicity
How to Format an Advance Review Copy (ARC)
If you’re planning to self-publish, it’s a good idea to make an advance review copy (ARC) of your novel. Formatted to be read on an eReader, an ARC copy is a handy marketing tool, allowing you to get reviews in on Amazon to coincide with the launch of your novel. While some people use a…
You’ve Finished a Novel, Now What?
You’ve finished a novel and taken a few victory laps round the park, or perhaps you’ve poured yourself a strong margarita to celebrate. Who knows, maybe you’re both a hedonist and a health nut and have done both! But once the adrenaline high and the booze wears off, a terrible realization settles on you. Now…
How to Find Comparison Titles for Your Query Letter
All artists hate being put into a box. We are, after all, individuals with our own unique outlook on the world. Unfortunately, however, unless you are able to tell an agent exactly which pigeonhole your work fits into, you’re unlikely to persuade them to represent you. Not only does your query letter need to clearly…
How to Embrace Your Inner Critic
While not quite on a par with childbirth or interrogation by the Spanish Inquisition, finding your own voice as a writer can nevertheless be an excruciatingly painful process. Because what nobody tells you from the outset is that you suck. All writers suck when they start out. Well, okay, maybe not literary prodigies like Sally Rooney.…